In today’s article, we will What are Keywords in blogging and why is it necessary for SEO purposes? If you are a Blogger, keywords help to Rank your Pages or Post.
Today’s article will clear you what is Keyword in blogging and use of keywords in SEO and how many types are there. You have to read this post and know because today I’ll Point clear you to all the Related Keywords.
All you need to do is read this wonderful post from start to end so that your blog post ranking will increase.
When I started blogging, I heard these words and wondered what use of keyword that we should Main Focus on in our Article.
For a while, I kept writing articles and not searching how many people are searching for this keyword on the Internet.
The reason for bringing the greatest Traffic is Keywords, then I researched deeply to know what Keywords are in the end and how it works. So that’s what I’m information Share you today.
To become a successful blogger, we have to learn Search Engine Optimization, that is, SEO because that’s why we can rank our blog posts on Google.
The keyword has special significance in SEO so every blogger needs to know about it. That’s why; we are going to talk about what are keywords in a blog and what is its use.
Read: 7 ways to use keywords in a blog post
What are Keywords?
The keyword is a Phrase that we Use in the Title and paragraph of our article.
For Example: – If you have to Search “How to Start a Blog“, you will search Google by typing in a computer or mobile, and the keyword in it is Start Blog.
The word we use to find anything is called Keyword. We cannot call it just a Title of a Post so that the Traffic of the website increases. Anything you write on top of any Topic is a Keyword.
If you have come to SEO Friendly Article or write, you have to Target only one Phrase and call it a Target Keyword.
Why Keyword is necessary for SEO?
If you want traffic in a blog or website, you have to optimize your content to Search engines so that it ranks on search engines like Google and Bing. This process is called Search Engine Optimization or SEO.
Keyword plays a very important role in SEO. You have to use targeted keywords in your post that article on Google while writing blog posts.
If you don’t take care of keyword and don’t use it properly, your blog posts will be reduced chances to rank on Google. And that post will not reach the audience and you will not be able to get traffic from the search engine.
Types of Keywords
If we SEO our post or article properly, it is very important to use Keyword in a blog post correctly. So you need to know how we use Words in our article.
And we also have to understand how many types Keywords are, so let’s now know how many types of Keywords are.
- Generic Keyword
- Informative Keyword
Generic Keywords
Generic Keywords we use as just a single Word Keyword. Generic Keywords is not very Meaningful so we don’t fully know who regarding information. As
From the Keywords above, we don’t proper know what we want to Find in Blogging word, so don’t use Generic Keywords inside your post.
Informative Keywords
This Keyword Basically is like a kind of Question we call Informative Keyword. What is Keyword uses it User to get the Answer of your Question such as:
“What Is Blogging”
“How to earn money online”
You must have seen such Keywords in Google. Google uses a Snippet to show such Words in search results.
Short Tail Keywords
If we do something else Word Add or increase it a little in Generic Word, it is a Short Tail Keyword.
Short Tail Keywords do Meaningful something. Short Tail Keywords User knows what information is regarding.
Short tail keyword consists of 1 to 3 words. Like online earn money, how to start a blog.
People search for such keywords a lot on Google and you may get a lot of traffic if your website ranks on these keywords.
But it is not easy to rank on such keywords because they have a lot of competition. So if you are a new blogger or your website is new, you should focus on Long-tail keywords instead of Short-tail keywords.
Long Tail Keywords
In Google where does it go when we use Group of Words or more than one word to Search them Long Tail Keyword?
The Length of the Long Tail Keywords should be more than 3 Words. For Example –
“How to Earn Money Online For Website”
“How to Make Money from Blogging”
“Tips for Making Money Online”
Such keywords are Long Tail Keywords.
You always use Long Tail Keywords for your post. Because if you use Long Tail Keywords, Short keywords automatically come. Doing it Long Tail makes Short Tail Keywords Rank easily.
LSI Keywords
What is an LSI keyword Search similar to the Title inside the Content of your post so that we can find out how often that word has been used in Post?
So far as we’ve known what LSI is and now we’ll know how LSI works you search keywords in Google and Google shows us a lot of related keywords related to that keyword because they’re keywords LSI.
Now you must be wondering why Google shows us these related keywords because he wants to answer related keywords along with Google’s exact keywords and satisfy users with it, showing good results and doing such LSI Keywords work.
Where to use Keyword in Content?
How to use keywords properly in your Post? If you come to use keywords in the right place, you have great art. I’ll try to tell you in my According.
- Use Keyword in Title.
- Use Keyword in URL as well.
- Use it in Meta Description.
- Use Keywords in Post First Paragraph.
- Use Heading Or Subheading.
- Use keywords in Alt tag used in Image.
- Use Keyword in Post last Paragraph.
- Use Keyword in conclusion of the post.
What is Focus Keyword?
The main keywords for which we optimize our posts are called focus keywords or target keywords. We can use more than one focus keyword in a blog post.
If your post is long, you can target a lot of keywords and rank the same post on the search engine for different keywords and increase the traffic of your blog.
For example: If you search keywords on Google such as “how to make money from Facebook” now “How to make money online” you have selected as a keyword here, it’s a focus keyword.
You can put more than one focus keyword in a blog post. One thing to keep in mind while writing a post is to Bold all the Focus keywords.
What is Keyword Density?
After finding Keyword for a blog post, the whole work is not finished, and then everyone has to follow certain rules related to SEO in which it is very important to pay attention to Keyword Density. You can also call it the basis of blogging.
In fact, Keyword Density in your article refers to the percentage of the keyword you have focused on.
Keyword Density = (Focus Keyword / Total word of post) * 100
Read: How to check keyword density in a blog post
Suppose you have written an article of 2000 words using the focus keyword 34 times, its Keyword Density is 1.7% according to this formula.
According to SEO, none of our articles should have Keyword Density of less than 1% or more than 2.5%. Otherwise, your blog post will never rank and Google can also consider it as spamming.
If you want to do Keyword Stuffing well in your article, you need to use the title of the main keyword, in the first paragraph, in Headings H1 &H2, in the Description, and finally.
What is Keyword Stuffing?
Frequent and excessive use of the same keyword is called keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing affects your SEO and in Google’s eyes, it is nothing short of a sin.
It also causes inconvenience to the reader and he closes the site and goes elsewhere. That is, it also negatively affects the user experience. So whenever you write an article, you should have keyword placement naturally. Forced keywords should be avoided.
Read: Keyword Stuffing in SEO
How to Select a Good Keyword for Blog Post?
If you want to select a good keyword, you need to use keyword suggestion tools like Google Related search term, Google keyword planner, Semrush, etc.
If you’re a blogger, we think the best Google-related search term. Now you must be wondering what happens. Whenever you search anything in Google, the lowest related search result show is that you can write posts by making it your focus keyword that is most searched by user.
Heading Keyword and write it in sub-heading as well as at the top and then at the last focus keyword.
Simply say, if you want to get traffic from the search engine, you have to make the right use of the power of the keyword. If you are a new blogger, you should find the first low-competition keywords and write a post on them.
You should focus more on long-tail keywords. If your blog ranks on these keywords, it increases the chances rank on short-tail keywords as well.
I mentioned in this post what is Keyword. What is a Focus keyword? How many types of keywords are there and how to select the best keyword for your blog post? This is most important for all bloggers.
If you are writing a post by keyword search, you can rank your blog posts well.
I hope you liked this What are Keywords in blogging and the use of keywords in SEO post a lot. Do Share this post with your friends as well as ask us a Comment box if there is any question related this post. I’ll try to answer your questions as soon as possible.