Powerful Secret Blogging Tips for New Bloggers: Don’t get traffic even after writing a lot of posts on your site? Or you’ve just started your new blog and want to bring traffic to your website, but your blog isn’t getting traffic either.
So you have nothing to worry about it because in this article, today we are going to tell you about the Top 10 Most Powerful Secret Blogging Tips for New Bloggers.
In today’s post we will discuss here best blogging tips to make money online, we’ll tell you about some small mistakes that new bloggers often do. You can also fix those mistakes and boost your new website traffic for free.
Many bloggers started blogging many years ago. All of them have become their experience in Blogging.
We can easily become successful bloggers by following them, and what they said. Today in this post we are going to tell you about the Top 10 useful blogging tips.
This post can be very useful for you if you are a new blogger. Try to read this post carefully from the beginning to the last.
If you have a blog, you’ll know very well that blogging is not easy. When blogs were not created, they thought that it was very easy to start and manage blogs.
But after creating the blog, it gradually became known that blogging is not as easy as we thought.
A lot of people do blogging, but only a few of them succeed in it. One easily achieves success in a short time and it takes time for someone to achieve success.
Some people don’t have patience. They start blogging and quit after some time if they don’t get a good result.
According to my experience, no one in today’s time can succeed in blogging without patience.
You can’t achieve success in blogging overnight. If you really want to make your career in blogging, you have to work hard to get success.
There are still a lot of bloggers who have been blogging since many years ago today. He has learnt a lot in the blogging journey and knows them very well about blogging.
They have some tips and tricks for blogging for beginners. Who can easily become a successful blogger by following these simple Blogging tips? Getting success for a new blogger is a huge task.
Your blog totally depends on traffic, if you bring more traffic to your website, you will definitely get success and you would start making money from blogging.
Any new blogger can easily get success in the field of blogging. Here we will also tell you some basic blogging secrets. So that new bloggers can easily understand and apply these powerful tips to your blog.
Top 10 Most Powerful Secret Blogging Tips for 2023
1. Internal and External linking:
Top bloggers know the value of internal links in blog posts, so we’ve put it at the top here. Perhaps only a few new bloggers would know that internal linking to optimize your post is the best way.
It will help your post to bring the top in Google SERP and also help keep your readers staying for a long time in the blog. Try to add an Internal link to the top of the post for a better result.
When I started blogging 3 years ago, we didn’t know about blogging. Because at that time I was a beginner and don’t know everything. So didn’t what internal linking is?
If you’re mistake like me, I’ll tell you that it’ll take a little longer to internal link, but it’ll benefit you a lot. You may not know the value of it yet, but you will regret it a lot in the near future when you know its value.
In addition, it is very important to add external links in each and every post. It’s also an SEO benefit. If you add external links properly in your post, you’ll have more value in search engines.
For example, if you link add Google, Facebook, or any other popular site in the post, it will Google bot give more value to your site.
When you add an external link in the post, just make sure that you attribute add “No-follow” in the low-quality sites.
If you don’t attribute add no-follow in low-quality sites, Google can also penalize your site and remove your site from Google forever.
If you add a link to a popular site, do not know and follow the attribute add it.
You need to manage the links of both types properly internal and external in your blog. It has SEO benefits and sometimes it proves to be dangerous for SEO.
2. Use and Research of Keywords:
Google has more value than some words, which we call keywords. It’s the best way for you if you want to bring the post to the best position in search engines.
Yes, the keyword is the best way to bring Posts to Google SERP. When you use keywords, that get a good rank in Google, will start giving him more value Google.
There are many free and paid online tools for Keyword Research. You can easily do keyword research with the help of Google Keyword Planner and Related keywords find with your keyword.
Now you’ve to find keywords to use in the post. Now you can add him in the 1st and last paragraph of the post. You can also use keywords in headings inside the post. Bold or highlight italic in the body of the post where you keyword add.
It is very important to use keywords in the Title and URL of the Post. Because search engine title, URL, and highlight description first. If you use keywords in it, you will index at a good position in the Search engine definitely.
Read: How to use keywords in your Blog Post
3. Regularity of Posts:
In today’s world, visitors like blog that has regular post update. You may also visit blogs that don’t have regular post updates. Similarly, if you have a blog, your blog visitors will also want you to keep regular new posts updated.
Top bloggers keep posting a lot in their blogs. You will see any successful blogger regularly posts update on his blog from time to time. They know that regular post is the easiest way to grow your blog.
When you regularly post publishes, it won’t reduce your visitors. Gradually the traffic of your blog will increase.
If you’re a new blogger, I’ll suggest you regularly post in the blog. If you irregularly post a lot on the blog, the number of visitors will decrease day by day.
4. Keep Patience:
First of all, let us tell you the point of the past. Making money by starting a blog a few years ago today is very easy.
At that time, after creating the blog, he would get his result very quickly. It was very easy to be successful after creating a blog at that time.
If you had created a blog and written posts 50-60, you would have earned thousands of rupees.
Now, you’ll find a lot of blogs on a single topic right now. That’s why it’s much more difficult to succeed in blogging today than before.
If you search on Google, you’ll get a lot of posts same title. It is a great challenge to create a blog and succeed in it.
If you’re a new blogger and you’ve written a lot of posts in the blog but still didn’t get results, you don’t have any other option than “Patience”.
If you keep patience and continue your work, you’ll get a result of it very soon.
I often see that some people create blogs with great enthusiasm that they will make money from it. But when you start a blog and do something post an update on it.
After that, he doesn’t get good results so he stops blogging. Their entire hard work is wasted.
Whoever does this, I would like to tell them that other bloggers work harder than you are working now. If you’ve created a blog, you can’t income it overnight.
But all I want to tell you right now is that if you’re a new blogger; invest money in the blog now so that you don’t think of income from it.
If you think of income from now on, it will be very difficult for you to take the blog to a success level.
5. Understand Your Visitors Need:
A successful blogger always writes posts in the blog given the essentials of his visitors. This is the best way to generate post ideas.
If you enable commenting system in your blog, visitors must comment on your blog. Sometimes there may be comments in which your reader will ask you to write a post on a topic given your need.
Often, people ignore such comments. But I understand it’s our very big mistake. We must first look at the needs of our visitors.
If you write a post on behalf of a visitor, it will help the visitors and solve their problems, the popularity of your blog will increases and they become permanent visitors to your blog.
Google also tells you to look at the needs of your readers first. If readers like your blog, definitely will like it to Google.
Always behave like a friend in front of your visitors so that you can gradually get to know them.
This will help your visitors to solve their problems at any time, you will be able to tell them openly and you will be able to help them.
6. Stick with Your Niche:
Whenever a person creates his blog, he has the most critical decision “Niche”. There are a lot of blogging niche ideas but 1 or 2 of them niche have to select and write posts in it.
I often see many new bloggers doing a thing that they niche-select a lot in their blogs. This prevents him from focusing on any one topic on his blog. After some time, they will realize his mistake.
If you select a single niche for your blog, you’ll be able to focus it well, and explain small things on that topic. This won’t take long for your blog to grow. You will be able to make the blog a success in a very short time.
Select that topic, in which you have knowledge and interest. It’s best to select a different niche. Choosing a niche that has very few blogs will make the blog a success easily.
Get a good insight into that topic after niche selection for the blog. Start writing posts on it with basic and slowly write posts until the advanced level. If you don’t focus on the basics, you’ll have to focus further. Therefore, it has to be kept in mind from now on.
Read: How to find Low Competition Blog Niche Ideas
7. Make your Title Attractive:
More than 70% of people click on our blog post by looking at it title. When you visit in a blog, the first thing you can do is look at the title of the post.
If you feel the title is interesting, you must click it and read the whole post. I’m telling you according to my experience, maybe it won’t happen.
You must be looking at YouTube videos where his title is so interesting that if we look at him, we don’t move forward without clicking on him.
Big bloggers also write similar titles in their blogs. Writing such an eye-catching title is also an art. Through this, you can get millions of views for your blog post.
I also mentioned above that you can get millions of page views by writing good titles in posts. It can use only 40 characters at least and 60 maximum. It is most important to use keywords.
8. Post original content:
I agree that all top bloggers idea write posts from other blogs. However, everyone explains in their style in their post and explain. I don’t even put 100% original content in our blog. However, I write in the post myself, but I read another blog about the idea.
Similarly, every blogger idea to write posts from another blog. But some bloggers copy someone’s written content and put it directly on their blog. I have never heard of anyone putting copyrighted content in a blog and becoming a successful blogger.
Suppose you have become a successful blogger by putting copyrighted content in the blog. But when your visitors know about it, they won’t like to come back to your blog.
If you really want to blog, always share original content in the blog. You can idea to write a post from another blog but explain to post.
9. Always Reply to Visitor’s comments:
Always respond to the Visitor’s comments. It builds a good relationship between you and the visitor. And if they have a problem again, they’ll visit your site again.
Also, if there is a lot of comment on your article, Google will rank better in the search result by treating your post as useful.
If someone submits spam comments, delete the spam comments.
10. Comment on other blogs:
Consider the following: If you don’t comment on other blogs, you don’t originally exist in the blogging.
It doesn’t matter how much content you consume; If you’re not connecting with other bloggers, you’re not building relationships that matter.
Sharing content is certainly kind, but becoming an active part of the community where you add value is a better way to show you’re smart and attract attention.
Special Tip for Writing a High-Quality Blog Post
A new blogger, when he starts blogging, he also makes a lot of mistakes. And he also learns to correct from his blogging tips.
Suppose you have written a post initially, but if you don’t write a post on your blog, how would you find out what mistake you have made in the post or article you have written?
So you continued to write post schedules on your blog. If you write 8 posts a month, try writing above 5 – 8 every month.
Some new blogger blogs open them, but they stop writing posts after writing 50 posts on their blog.
And then after a few days, they start writing posts on their blog again. The biggest point is that you have 30 posts.
When you publish posts regularly your website starts ranking in search engines. And your site authority continues to grow. As you will stop writing posts and your site authority will fall.
So once you start writing articles on a blog, you keep publishing it every month by writing posts. Even if you publish only 2 or 3 posts in a month.
Today’s post is very important for the Top 10 Most Powerful Secret Blogging Tips for New Bloggers.
If you move forward in blogging keeping all these points in mind, you will definitely become successful.
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