High-Demand Blog Topics for New Bloggers
Today I am going to write this High Demand Blog Topics to Start your New Blogging Journey in 2023, it would be a very interesting and crucial blog post for you. If you are going to start a blog or a YouTube channel of your own too.
So this post is very essential for you. So guys we’ll know in this post. In what Blog Topics can you write that will drive traffic to your website in 2023?
So guys, if you don’t know about Blogging at all, and searching for low competition best blog topics for 2023 with high demand. So you must read our post. But if you don’t know- how to find low competition with high-demand blog topics, then you should also read this post below.
How To Find Low Competition Blog Niche Ideas
In this post, we are going to discuss some most popular blog topics to start a Blog.
I’m telling you some of the best Blog Topics for beginners in this post in which if you guys want to start a Blog Step by Step Guide, you will definitely benefit a lot from it.
So, let’s start without wasting your precious time; let’s know the most profitable blog topic ideas for beginners.
High Demand Blog Topics for 2023
1.” How To ” Blog
This is the first and most high-demand blog topic in such a blog on our Blog List. How we can do any kind of option or function in any core topic such as computer, internet & online, technology mobile etc.
Let me explain this and what you will see on the Internet so many Blog is quite popular. Which are described as “How To” functions. That’s if you keep good knowledge in one field. So you must create a blog on the “How To” topic.
Such blogs have very good traffic. And you can generate good revenue by monetizing your blog with Google AdSense or you can use other ad networks.
So you can assume that this is a very good and high-demand blog topic. In the List of our highly demanding Blog Topics, you must create a Blog website on it.
Read: Top 10 Low Competition Blog Niche Ideas
2. Start a Recipe Blog

The second is a profitable and popular Blog Topic which is Recipe Blogs. In such Blogs or website, we can tell about the recipes and cooking techniques that we use to prepare delicious food.
If we put some kind of Recipe in the search bar of Google today, it shows the video for the search. That’s why it happens because the well-written content of that recipe does not exist in Google.
So if we will have well-written content sifting good search optimization. And then our blog can rank easily on Google.
If you put it in your blog, you will drive good traffic to your website. And even if we have a YouTube Channel on the same. So our YouTube Channel will also get a lot of traffic through this blog. This is because Google always promotes written content.
If you know cooking very well then make video content. And you can write to people about it. So you must create a recipe blog. In such blogs, you can not only generate revenue through blogs but also generate revenue through YouTube channels.
So we can assume that this is a very good and profitable blog topic to start a recipe blog in the List of our Blog Topics, you must make a Recipe Blog.
3. Start an Education Blog

These are the unique blog ideas for students for 2023 in our Blog Topics List. Guys if you’re a teacher or student and you have good public interest and knowledge. So you can share your powerful knowledge with your audience.
To do this, you must create an educational blog. In such a website you will need to write posts according to your knowledge.
Which makes the user feel good and knowledgeful in reading. In such a website you can use a YouTube channel ever.
You can understand that Google always gives more importance to written content than video content.
So if you write on an education blog. And also provide YouTube videos of it. This is how you can earn money online. And also there are many ways that use to make money online from a blog:
- Google Adsense
- Affiliate marketing
- Sell your Online Resources
- Paid Online Tuition
- Guest Posting
I know you think that how we make money from “Guest Posting”. I will tell you- suppose you have an educational blog or website that has good traffic on it. And there is another person who recently create a blog that has no traffic.
These types of people who create educational blogs will approach you and ask for a guest post. At that time you can charge for guest posting.
And that’s the way you can earn a lot of money from your blog. So we can assume that this is the best blog topic for college students. I tell you that should start an education Blog.
4. Start Architecture or Interior Design Blog

It’s the Best Civil Engineering Blog Topic if you work it so you can not only generate revenue from Google AdSense.
And you can also get a good income from Affiliate marketing. In this, you can create a blog with high traffic.
But you have to take special care of this that you have knowledge of this field or good experience. With this type of Blog or Website, you can also design a home plan for your client.
How can you decorate your home? You will tell others about this in your blog. In today’s if a person builds his own house. So how should see the first design and layout about her in Google? Searches about how to design interior houses.
If your website will have good content. So you can get very good traffic to your blog. And you can also get good revenue by doing affiliate marketing on Amazon or Flipkart or any kind of selling website.
This is a unique blog idea in the List of our Blog Topics. You must make a Blog website on it. And if you’re an engineer, you can also get to make 2D and 3D plans from here.
Different ways to make money from your Architecture Blog:
- Google Adsense
- Affiliate Marketing
- By Selling your Designs ( 2D & 3D)
- By Designing House Plans
- Sell Products near you
5. Start a Coupon Website

It’s a good Blog Topic in our Blog Topics List. This type of website can generate too much revenue. Because you see in today’s days. Any person with any kind of mobile does anything online buyer itself.
So he searches for the product or service before buying it. At which he receives a discount. And if he can use it and then you will get revenue from it.
On which you provide coupons or an offer to your users. So in this type of website not only can you generate revenue from Google AdSense also you can also earn money through affiliate marketing through your coupons.
This is a very good blog topic with the highest traffic. If it is in the List of our Blog Topics, you must make your Blog on it.
6. Start a Review Website

It’s the most popular Blog Topic in our Blog Topics List. In such a Blog, you can write reviews of any product, movie or service.
In today’s world, we see that if we buy a service or a product like a mobile, laptop, TV, or something else. So let’s first search for reviews about it on Google.
So, if we create a review Blog. In which we can write reviews about different types of products. So we can earn money online without investment from this type of blog.
Through Google AdSense and when good traffic will start coming to our blog. So we can also get good income through affiliate marketing.
Now you must have a question coming into your mind. If we have not seen a product using or buying it. So how to write a review about it.
So I’d like to tell you that you have analysis i.e. any product you are writing about. You have to know about it and all the e-commerce websites.
You can write down a result according to the rating and review received in it. And this way you can create a review blog.
This is a very good and popular blog topic in India. So you must make your Blog on it.
7. Create an Affiliate Website

It’s a good Blog Topic in our Blog Topics List. You can also get good income by creating an affiliate marketing website.
If you don’t know about affiliates. So I’d like to tell you, Affiliate Marketing means we sell one product or service to our users through one of our special links or one of our special coupons.
So on that, we have to be sold by the company and we have got the product service sale. They give us his commission, which we call the Affiliate Commission. And this type of marketing is called affiliate marketing.
In today’s world, if we look at it, the income of affiliate marketing is much higher than any kind of income. But if you want to create this type of website. So you’ll need too much knowledge and capital.
But if you create such a website. So your income will be very high. This is a very good topic in the List of our high-demand Blog Topics, you must make a Blog website on it.
8. Start a Travel Blog

This Blog Topic is very much popular nowadays. If you work it in this Blog Topic, it can not only generate revenue from Google AdSense. And you can also get a good income from Affiliate marketing.
In such blogs, you can write posts related to travelling in your Blog.
For example, if a person goes to Shimla or Jammu Kashmir. For some people, the first thing to do is search on Google to find out about the good places to visit, and good & cheap hotels. And if you’ll see it on Google right now.
So you’ll understand that the blog associated with travelling is a little less right now. So you can definitely write your blog on it.
This question will definitely come to your mind that’s if you’ve not gone for a walk in a city. So there’s about how you’ll know so how would I tell my audience to go?
Write your own post by reading the content in Google and analyzing them. And today we have lots of hotel websites available on Google.
Examples- OYO, MakemyTrip, Booking.com, and Yatra.com. On which we book hotels. List the best hotel in that city. We can put it on our blog.
So that our users can get a good direction. This will give you very good traffic to your blog. And you can earn good revenue through Google AdSense from your website.
And things used while travelling can also get good revenue through Amazon Affiliate. And your website will become more popular. Then you’ll also need to contact the new hotel operator to post as a promotional.
So we can assume that this is a very good and trending blog topic in the List of our Blog Topics, you must make a Blog website on it.
Different Ways to earn money from Travel Blogs:
- Google Adsense
- Affiliate Marketing
- Guest Posting
- Sponsored Post
- Hotel Commission
9. Start Jobs & Career Website

In this topic, you have to write about the things people need the most in your blog. If you write about jobs and careers in your blog, your blog is likely to be very high traffic.
You should contact any company from your area in your blog and get good information about their jobs first. Then put it in your blog and with it how you feel any form in the blog. You can tell your audience how to fill out applications for your job through your blog.
You can also tell people how to ready yourself for your jobs in your blog and related interview from any job and how to prepare for interviews.
So, you must create a job Blog.
10. Create News Blog

On this type of website, you can post news-related articles. I think it’s important to tell you one thing before you start a news website, in this type of website you alone won’t be able to get anything much quicker.
If you have a team of some people. Post content that is almost every day by writing on your blog.
This way there are at least 10 to 20 posts on your website every day. You can earn from this type of website only for physical news.
Because we have to understand this. That’s all the news websites at the top places in today’s time. They have at least 200 to 300 news posts in 1 day.
Which is why Google gives them more importance in the news section. But if you write 10 to 20 good posts every day and post them on your website.
So in about 3 to 4 months, you will get approval from Google News for your website.
After that Google will start sending traffic to your website. Also when you’re approved in Google News. So you automatically get traffic from reputed websites like Yahoo News.
If you want to create the website as a good team. So creating a new website will be very beneficial for you. So we can assume that this is a very good and profitable blog niche.
If you act as a team. So, you must create a new Blog on our Blog Topics List.
Different ways to make money from your Architecture Blog:
- Google Adsense
- Affiliate Marketing
- Guest Posting
11. Relationship and Dating
If you can work with it, your blog will Rank on Google SERP within 6 months as these high-demand blog topics are going to be very Low Competition.
For this, you can watch the Video on YouTube and get some ideas from there and there you will also find a video to write an Article.
And if you can do well in it, you will drive more website Traffic and even after a lot of hard work you will be able to start a blog in 2023.
Because this most popular and low Competition blog Topic as compared to the other entire Niche. Because very few people are working on it.
Different ways to make money from your Architecture Blog:
- Google Adsense
- Affiliate Marketing
- Guest Posting
- Paid Relationship Advice
12. Create a Blog on a Trending Topic
If you know how to start a blog in India in 2023 with this Niche, you will get so much Traffic that you will not be able to handle it.
For this, you can see Google Trends and related videos you will find on YouTube and you can write them in your blog in text format.
You don’t have to work hard for long to Rank your Blog with this Topic. You can Publish Daily Article within a month and get your Blog Rank on the 1st page on Google SERP. And if there is a High-quality Article, Google Direct Traffic will send it to your Website.
You can work on a lot of topics like the IPL, the Olympics, world cup, and Festivals. That means you can publish articles about what is happening today, like news at home or abroad, but not exactly news.
And after publishing the article, you share it on your Facebook Group or Page and share it wherever you want to share it so that everyone visits your blog and as your blog traffic will coming on, you can’t imagine.
Different ways to make money from your Architecture Blog:
- Google Adsense
- Affiliate Marketing
- Guest Posting
- Sponsored posts
13. PNR Status Website
Did you know that India has millions of people travelling by train every day and millions of these millions of people book trains in advance, those who book trains, search on Google to find out the status of their train or the PNR Status of their booking.
If you create a website on this Niche, you can earn lakhs of rupees a month from that site.
If you search by PNR Status on Google, you’ll see some websites ranked at the top whose site is neither good-looking nor well-SEO in their site.
You can take advantage of this to bring millions of traffic to your site every day by creating your own site and SEO it and ranking it at the top.
If all sites are analyzed one by one, all sites use the same type of tool. This is a high-traffic blog topic which is why we are suggesting you create a PNR Status Website.
14. Create a Lyrics Website
Lyrics Website did you know that if you analyze any lyrics provider site on the Internet on a tool, you’ll see millions of traffic coming to that site?
One of the advantages of the Lyrics website is that you don’t need to work too these sites, just you have to focus on an Off-Page SEO and you will easily be able to rank the lyrics of any song at the top.
If you have another website and want to create extra unworked blogs, you can create a Lyrics website, in which you can rank your site with your ideas.
If you first put the lyrics of any released song on your website, your chances of getting the rank of that post increase early.
For this, you can hire a fellow who can write to you the lyrics of the latest Released Song and also let you know about which song is about to release.
Different ways to make money from your Architecture Blog:
- Google Adsense
- Affiliate Marketing
15. Create a Business Ideas Blog
Nowadays, a lot of people are looking for Best Business Ideas, so if you start a blog on top of it, you will start getting traffic and earning only by writing 150 unique articles.
It’s not that you publish 150 articles in a few days, but you’ll have to write an article daily so that your blog has complete in 150 days, following such consistency will help you succeed.
This is the Best topic to start a blog as only a few people are working on it. Traffic is also very high. So related Video you can see on YouTube what to do and how to do it.
A lot of people nowadays visit the factory and make videos and cover all the details in it, so you can see them and get information out of them.
Different ways to make money from your Architecture Blog:
- Google Adsense
- Affiliate Marketing
- Guest Posting
- Sponsored Post
16. Create a Motivational Blog
In today’s time, many people suffer from some problems in Daily Life. And there are many who are worried about their career.
In that case, if you create a motivational blog, you can tell them how to handle the Problems in Life.
You can also motivate them how they can move on successfully in their problems. People will like your content if it is right. So people will visit your Blog daily.
Therefore, the Topic should be Impressive. It is said that Content is King and it is also true. Because if your article doesn’t benefit the user, it won’t come back to your blog.
This is the best blog topic for blogging in India.
Different ways to make money from your Architecture Blog:
- Google Adsense
- Affiliate Marketing
- Guest Posting
- Sponsored Post
17. Start Name Ideas blog
You have seen in your home or in society, that whenever a baby is born they are searching for names for the newborn baby. They always search for a unique name for their child because the name is permanent and no one wants the name of a newborn baby is not unique.
And if you have a girlfriend, Boyfriend and when you create your name on Facebook, Instagram etc you search for unique names on Google.
So, this is the best opportunity for bloggers to create their names. Because if you have a lot of unique names with their meaning. So you should once start your name blog.
I have listed below the topic you can choose for your name blog:
v Name for NewBorn Baby
v Name for Girlfriend
v Name for Boyfriend
v Funny Name for your brother
v Name for your friends
v Name for your sister
v Name for Facebook
v Name for Instagram
v Name for your Business
v Name for YouTube Channel
v Name for Website
Different ways to make money from your Architecture Blog:
- Google Adsense
18. Aquarium and fish blog
If you choose Aquarium and fish blog niche to start your successful blog. That means you’re on the right path.
If you have an interest in fish and aquariums then, definitely you should write about it.
There are so many people who create our blog on aquariums and fishes but because lack of quality information they don’t give the audience high-quality content and fail to start a blog.
But if you have knowledge with interest in fish like which type of filter is best for fish, what type of food should give our fish, how to clean my tanks or ponds, and how to feed them, etc.
So, we will suggest you start your blog with potential and work on them to publish your High-Quality content.
This way there are two ways that you can earn money from your aquarium blog, first, you can earn from Google AdSense and second you will earn from Affiliate Marketing.
In this Blog Niche, you don’t work hard to find your blog post topic, because here you can write a number of posts on Fish, filters, which type of glass we used to make our aquarium, Lights, stones, etc.
Different ways to make money from your Architecture Blog:
- Google Adsense
- Affiliate Marketing
- Guest Posting
- Selling your Own Products
19. Start a Photography blog
If you are a Photographer and love to click photos from your own devices, it doesn’t matter whether you are a professional or an amateur, starting your own photography blog is the best way to share your images with a large audience.
If you have knowledge and techniques that how to click photos, then why not share our tips & tricks with the audience? Because if have some good techniques and knowledge then, readers will interact with your content.
With your Photography blog, you will inspire and educate your readers that really want to know your techniques.
This is a high-demand blog topic with high competition, if you choose this niche you need to work hard to rank your blog post on top of SERP.
Different ways to make money online from photography:
- Google AdSense
- Affiliate marketing
- Sell your High-Quality Images
- Guest Image Posting
So, if you have unique skills to click your photos then definitely start your Photography blog.
20. Start a House Designing blog
House design means, designing plans for other houses. If you are a Civil Engineer or an Architect, then you will definitely be aware of this word.
I want to tell you that my elder brother is a Civil Engineer and he runs a blog and also designs house plans in 2D and 3D. He gives our knowledge and techniques to design houses to our readers and make money from it. And he charges Rs.15 to Rs.25 per sqr. Feet to design house plans.
It doesn’t matter if you are an engineer or not, you just need to learn some software like AutoCAD, Sketchup, etc. to start your business.
This way there are multiple ways that you can make money online, you can make money by designing other plans, and you can get your plans from other countries also.
I want to tell you that my brother earns money from AdSense, by selling designs, and by designing house plans also.
Different ways to make money from your Architecture Blog:
- Google Adsense
- Affiliate Marketing
- By Selling your Designs ( 2D & 3D)
- By Designing House Plans
- Sell Products near you
21. Books Review blog
If you are a bookworm and love to read, then you should start a book review blog. Because with your book blog, you give reviews on the book for others who want to read that book.
Let me tell you an example, suppose I have a book review blog and you want to read any book, and will come to my blog to know more about that book. So, this is called a book review blog.
Before start reading any book everyone wants to know about it, that’s why you need to start a book blog because with a blog you can share your experience with other readers, and appreciate reading.
Different ways to make money from your Architecture Blog:
- Google Adsense
- Affiliate Marketing
- Guest Posting
- Sponsored Post
- Earn money by reading books
Now you are thinking that how can we make money by reading books? There are a lot of websites that paid for reading books.
So, if you are book worm you should definitely start your book review blog.
22. Start Pet Blog
The blog is the only way that you can use to share your own thoughts and knowledge with large audiences.
If you are a pet lover whether it is a dog, cat or any pet that you love. And share pictures on different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Quora, etc. and love to write about pets.
So, why not start a pet blog in 2023 and get your own ideas out into the whole world? With the blog, you can educate and inspire your audience to have a pet in their home.
Starting a pet blog, and sharing your ideas with your audience, is the best way to make money online.
In this way, you can give ideas with your blog post like how to care for animals, how to feed them and what to give them for food.
You can also give suggestions for how to treat them when they are ill.
In this way, you can make a lot of money from your blog and there are multiple ways that we can use to earn money online:
- By sharing photos on social media platforms.
- Affiliate marketing.
- Google AdSense.
So, if you like this post- High Demand Blog Topics to Start your New Blogging Journey in 2023, please comment to us and if there is any complaint, please tell us that too.
So, you must try to make a Blog in the Blog Topics given in the List of Blog Topics.
We have always tried to provide accurate and accurate information to our Readers so that you don’t have to search elsewhere on the Internet and save time.
How do you like this post? If you like this post, share it on social media so that your friends also keep in mind the best topics to make a blog.
If you still have a question or doubt about the best topics to start a blog in India, tell us in the comment box that we will answer your question.