Top 20 Tips: How To Get Millions of Views and Subscribers on YouTube Free

Get Millions of Views and Subscribers on YouTube

How to get millions of views and subscribers on YouTube?

In this post today we will learn the Top 20 Tips on How To Get millions of Views and subscribers on YouTube Free. Do you want to increase views on your YouTube videos? Today we’ll learn the best ways to increase views on YouTube that you hardly know.

You all know subscribers on YouTube will grow only when views come you can never move your YouTube channel without views.

If certain things are taken care of while uploading videos to YouTube, you can also get millions of views on YouTube without paying.

You hardly know the tips we’re going to give you in this post today. So let’s start reading posts and know how to increase views fast on YouTube.

When people don’t get views on YouTube, they think that views will start coming in some time or many people close their channels. It’s not very difficult to get views on YouTube; just you have to understand YouTube algorithms for it.

There are many factors that YouTube ranks your video with in mind. If you want to watch your video at the top of the YouTube search, you have to optimize the video according to the way we’ll tell you today.

YouTube has given a chance to everyone to make money online by sitting at home. It is a platform where many people have made a career and are earning lakhs of rupees sitting at home.

If you think that just constantly uploading videos will bring traffic, you’re thinking wrong. You can’t bring good views to YouTube unless your video is SEO Optimized.

YouTube algorithms will show your video to as many people as possible if you optimize it well.

Which simply means that just working hard won’t bring views. You’ll have to start working with your mind to boost your YouTube views and subscribers.

So let’s start the post and understand all the ways well.

What is YouTube?

YouTube is a video-sharing platform where a lot of videos can be viewed and uploaded by anyone, by creating their own Channel.

YouTube allows its registered members to upload, view, share, add favorite videos, report, comment, and subscribe to other members’ channels.

But people use it the most to watch videos. It is full of videos like- Entertainment, Comedy, Movies, Clip, trailers, etc.

YouTube aims to bring everyone’s voice to the world and make them face-to-face with the world. Learn about our brands, communities, careers, etc.

It is an American video-sharing platform located in the San Bruno of California. It was built by 3 people named Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim.

This was created in February 2005. Google bought it for $US 1.65 billion in November 2006. It has now become a part of Google itself.

It is designed to upload any video and millions of people all over the world can watch the video inserted in it.

About 35 hours of videos are uploaded every minute of every day. The length of the video to be inserted may be large, but it is impossible to send the same video in an email.

Initially, the purpose of creating this platform was to enable people to share any video with each other.

But no one had imagined that it would become such a big source of income.

Today, if you talk about the highest number of traffic, the same number comes after Google.

And wherever there is traffic, people promote their business. That’s why the video attracts people as much as it can earn.

Online is the best way to make money from Blogging and YouTube. You must have understood that it would have happened very rarely when you went elsewhere for some information.

First, you must be searching for it on Google, and second, you’ll be searching for it on YouTube and taking it from videos.

Now a day’s people like more videos than text. So YouTube has become a medium that people turn to it when it comes to getting information.

That’s why bloggers make money from blogging, but it’s earned more than it does. Let’s now know what it’s like to make money out of it.

Today, everyone knows that if you have the knowledge, you can make money by working.

There are many ways to make money from the Internet like making money by blogging, making money from apps, Affiliate Marketing, freelance, etc. These platforms are one of the many ways.

How to Get YouTube Videos on Top Searching Lists?

You will also learn through this post today. We will explain this to you in very simple language. Hope you like all our posts. Similarly, you continued to like every post on our blog.

Today, many people make and upload their Videos on YouTube. You all must know how big the YouTube Platform is. YouTube has become the world’s largest Entertainment Platform on which you get to see all kinds of Videos. If you want any kind of information, it is received from YouTube.

There are many reasons why many people have good Views on their YouTube Channel and some YouTube Channel has fewer views. Because of this Views do not come even after you have good Videos on your YouTube Channel.

Your YouTube Channel will not get Views unless you optimize your video properly.

So let’s know how to get more traffic to my YouTube videos. If you are also trying to increase Views on your YouTube Channel, you will get to know the full details only if you read everything on the post from start to end.

How to Make Videos on YouTube?

Plan your video

Before you start making videos for YouTube, you have to plan what you want to make.

Create a storyboard outlining each section of the video. Think about the message you want to show your audience and plan where you’ll include a call-to-action in the video.

It’s important because you want people to do something after watching the video.

Write your script

Based on your video plan, start writing your video script. Try to keep the language trustworthy and attractive to your audience.

If your video is an early guide, don’t use too many technical terms. If you are making an intense YouTube video, make sure to include words that are specific to the industry to build trust with your audience.

Don’t create a long script if your storyboard is small as it means staying too much on the screen which won’t be meant for a good viewing experience.

Create a shortlist

Having a shot list will encourage you to think about small details, such as electric direction and camera placement.

Be sure to create once you write your script.

This should include all the things that help guide your production, such as camera setup or action requiring a quenchable view.

Organize your Scene

Will your video be animated, live-action, or real-time? What kind of props would you need when making your video so that your YouTube followers stay engaged throughout your video?

It is important to answer these questions as they will help make your video more professional.

Invest in branding to add to the background of your video and thumbnail so that your video looks top quality.

Prepare yourself

If you are acting in the video, or just directing it, it is important to prepare and practice so that the real thing goes away without any restrictions.

When it comes to making YouTube videos, so practicing will account for everything that can go wrong during shooting.

Edit your video

After each scene takes some take, the magic begins – you can start editing your video to leave small mistakes or elements of scenes that don’t fit.

Take time out here to ask if each line looks natural, and delete rows that do not fit in the overall video.

Upload YouTube Videos

Within the YouTube platform, you can upload your video to your audience, including titles, tags, descriptions, and other details.

These things will help your audience to find your video. If you are planning to create more than one video on a particular topic, you can create a playlist and add to it.

Think about adding cards and captions to your video to help users navigate your channel more effectively.

Go Live

Once you have enough video-making experience, why not go live and try to talk to your audience in real-time?

Answer your audience’s questions at the moment and give your audience the ultimate experience of watching.

Read:- YouTube SEO Tip: How to do SEO for YouTube Videos

How to Increase Traffic on YouTube Videos?

It is easy to create YouTube Channel, but it is equally difficult to increase Views on it.

You have to adopt certain methods to increase Views on your YouTube Channel. This will enable you to increase the Views and likes on your YouTube Channel.

As of today, the case has come a long way in the YouTube online business. And today it has become a very big video platform.

Lakhs of people create new accounts and upload videos in crores every day. YouTube time to time keeps changing its Policy.

It’s not that easy to bring views to a new YouTube channel, so I want to tell you through this article how to get more traffic on your YouTube without paying on your YouTube channel. It’s very easy to use it with every video.

If you’re a Youtuber, you can understand how hard a Youtuber works to make a video of yourself.

First research the topic, then write the script, then Video Shoot, then edit that video and Upload it on the YouTube after Title, Description, Tags, and Thumbnail adds. But his Videos do not get views.

The biggest reason for this is that you don’t pay attention to certain things before publishing the video and as a result, you don’t get a view of your video.

I’ll share with you some tips that you can follow to get more views on your YouTube videos for free.

20 Tips to Boost Your YouTube Views and Subscribers in 2023

1. Share on Social Media

Almost all of you will be familiar with social media. Social media is the best medium to increase views on your video fast.

YouTube algorithms consider it a good sign if views start growing quickly after uploading videos.

This will show your video to as many people as possible. People make the mistake that after uploading videos on YouTube; they don’t share them anywhere, which does not lead to the growth of their videos.

Never make such a mistake, start sharing video  links on social media only after uploading the video.

For example, put video links on your Facebook profile, share videos in Facebook groups, send them to your friends on WhatsApp, share them in Telegram groups, and share them on Twitter and Instagram.

3. Reply to Comments

Never ignore your Viewers’ comments. Read your Viewer’s comments and if they have asked any questions, reply to them.

Sometimes it happens that Viewers ask a few questions that you don’t know the answer to ask your friend for an answer or take Google’s help, and if you still can’t get an answer, you can reply to them by speaking Sorry.

4. Create a Blog for Your YouTube Channel

It would be great if you create a blog for your YouTube Channel. This allows you to Promotion videos by Sharing them on the blog and earning them by Adding Google AdSense to the blog.

5. Select High-Quality Tags

If you Select Tags without focusing on Keywords, it will not help you to choose good Keywords for Tags.

Keywords should be related to your video otherwise your Account will be YouTube Community Strike. Don’t overfill Tags just apply Tags that are related to your Topic.

6. Rename the Video File

After making the video, many people upload it directly to YouTube, but this is the wrong way.

Always enter your keyword in the title of the video file after making the video. Let me explain it to you very well, see you made a video now that the title of the video file will also be. But people forget to put keywords in the title of the video file.

Always type the keyword in the title of the video file on which you want to rank your video.

To change the title of the video file, the title can be changed by clicking on the Rename name option.

7. Choose a Suitable Title

Also, write the keyword on which you want to rank your video in a YouTube search in your video title.

We had just asked to write a keyword in the title of the video file earlier. But when you upload that video file on your Channel, you’ll be asked to write the video title.

Write this title in such a way that your keyword also comes in and people feel like watching videos after reading it.

Never write a video title that doesn’t match your video. By doing so, people will report your video and if caught, the video will be deleted by the YouTube team and the channel may also be suspended.

8. Ask for Feedback

Uploading videos to YouTube doesn’t end your work. It’s your responsibility to ask people how they liked your video, and take suggestions from them on what the video was liked and what could be better.

Doing so will show you your likes of improvements. The best way to do this is to show your video to any of your close friends and ask them how they liked the video.

Similarly, you can take suggestions from 10-15 people and then change the video accordingly.

9. Make an Attractive Thumbnail

Applying a good and attractive thumbnail has many benefits. If people who are new to YouTube don’t know the meaning of thumbnails, I’d like to tell them that thumbnails refer to an image that appears with videos in the YouTube search result.

More and more people will watch your video if the thumbnail is attractive and of high quality. Even if your video is at the last number in a keyword search result, you can still get good clicks because of the thumbnail.

People make a mistake that always makes thumbnails apply something that doesn’t match the video at all.

Never make such a mistake because it is considered against YouTube community guidelines that can also cause video deletion.

Never apply a straight thumbnail on the contrary or there will be a lot of dislikes and people will report videos that can also delete channels.

10. Description Should Contain Keywords

In the description, we know the description by name. Description means explaining which subjects in detail.

In the description, you have to tell yourself what your video is about, why people should watch these videos, and learn what to learn from the video.

Simply put, in the description, you have to give a short description of the video. Try to write details in the description as well as enter the keywords.

But never put extra keywords of waste in descriptions it’s against YouTube rules that can even delete your video. Description If written well, you can help with the YouTube rankings, and Google also gives you more traffic.

11. Make a Video on a Trending Topic

This method is considered to be the best way to increase views on new channels and get a subscriber quickly.

In it you have to make a video on the topic that is trending nowadays. By trending, I mean, making videos on the subject that people are talking about more nowadays.

You can find out what’s trending nowadays from social media. Also, there is a website called Google Trends where you will find all the trending topics.

12. Keep your Length Video Good

Never try to prolong the video in vain. I mean, if you finish a video in just 5 minutes, it doesn’t have to be stretched and made for 10 minutes.

I’m saying this because a lot of people make long videos on videos to make money from more ADS. If you prolong a video, people will cut your video in between.

YouTube has monitored all videos. If their algorithms find that no one wants to watch your video in full, your ranking will be reduced, which will also reduce views.

So never make long videos forcefully, only if it is necessary to make a video long.

13. UploadQuality Content on your channel

You have to upload Quality Content on your YouTube Channel. Many people think that you should Upload Videos just to entertain so it’s not like you can teach something through your video.

 If you know something, you can also make a quality content video and upload it.

14. Upload Daily at least One Video

You have to upload content every day. Because initially, nobody knows you.

If you upload content every day will get gradually start coming Viewers on your YouTube channel.

By putting content every day, people will start recognizing your channel.

15. YouTube Guest Video

It is the very best way to increase YouTube traffic on your channel from guest videos on other YouTube channels. Both channels will get profit from guest videos.

If you can publish a good video on a YouTube channel with good subscribers, your YouTube channel can get a lot of views and subscribers.

But create the best video for a guest video that viewers like and also tell them about your YouTube channel from which YouTube channel this video was taken.

If you have 50,000 – 60,000 average subscribers the channels YouTube channel you want to post guest video publish, your YouTube channel can be very famous and views can also be increased, and it is much better to guest video publish if you get a YouTube channel, a maximum subscriber.

16. Focus on video content

If you have a YouTube Channel and want to get as many views as possible on your channel, the first thing to do is focus on your video content.

Make a video on your topic so that people like it. Don’t prolong your videos too long and Edit videos well. Then you publish the video on your Channel.

Because content is said to be the best in the world of YouTube to get more views. So pay attention to the content of the most first task.

If your content will be unique, no one can stop the video from taking views.

17. Make a Trailer for your YouTube Channel

Make trailer videos of your channel to make your YouTube video attractive. You should also play trailers in videos before publishing videos on your channel.

So that you can see your video and viewer don’t skip your video. Doing so will give you a lot of watch time for your video.

And it proves good for your YouTube videos.

18. Create End Screen

The end screen does the unique task of doing everything a little bit at the end of your video.

This is an opportunity to provide users who enjoyed your content with all relevant information about your channel, other playlists, recommended videos, and your verified website.

Whether you’re getting more traffic or linking to your other videos, there are both direct and indirect customization features to promote your YouTube Videos.

To add an end-screen, go to your Video Manager, click Edit the video you want to add and click End Screen and Annotation. From there, you will be able to add additional facilities.

YouTube algorithms are a great way to promote your own content before recommending other popular videos and removing people from your channel and video.

19. Create playlists to keep people watching

Create playlists for your content so that viewers can watch it continuously. After the first video is finished, your other videos will run automatically, which will get more views without navigating from the player for each played video.

You can embed playlists, post them to your channel, or ask users to share them to increase the total views for each playlist.

Make each unique and give them flow and relevance with the order in which they are played.

These are excellent for educational or entertaining content that tells a story or goes deeper into how different components make up perfect.

20. Add Watermarks on your Video

Watermark allows you to get more subscribers and free YouTube views by promoting your channel in all your videos.

Essentially, watermarks are the only image you can set to display on all your videos – most brands use their logos.

When an audience rotates their mouse on a watermark, it motivates them to subscribe.

Once again, you need to verify your YouTube account to be able to upload watermarks.

It’s worth pointing out that you can choose and choose which videos display watermarks and which don’t – they either appear on all your videos or none of them.

Go to Creator Studio to add watermarks to your video and click ‘Branding’.

Then click ‘Add Watermark’ and upload your image.

In short, use this simple tool to promote your brand on your YouTube channel.

 Read: How to Downlead YouTube Videos


Today we have learned How To Get millions of Views and Subscribers on YouTube for Free, full information. If the method mentioned in this post is followed well, views can be easily increased on YouTube.

See, it’s not that views will start coming in as soon as you create the channel, but if you’ve done everything properly, the growth on your channel will be clearly visible after a month.

Upload videos to your channel every day, especially on topics that are currently trending. If you like our post on how to get more views on YouTube free, please share this post on Social media like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

If you want to ask any questions related to this post, please comment below. If you like the post, comment and share it on social media.